Master's programme

Master of Social Sciences:



This course is the first of its kind offered in Rwanda to national and international students. The program is of international standard with faculty staff drawn from Rwanda and abroad, including visiting professors, policy makers, and practitioners in gender. Students are introduced to the core ideas and the theoretical debates concerning gender issues.



The program’s duration is three semesters. The course work is made of two semesters (learning and assessments) and the dissertation carried out in the third semester.

The modules offered include:

MGD 6111 :Theories of masculinities and femininities (20 credits)

MGD 6112 : Gender, culture, religion (20 credits)

MGD 6113 : Gender research methods and analysis (20 credits)

MGD 6114 : Outcome-based professional development learning (compulsory but not credit rated)

MGD 6115 : Gender and family, health and politics (20 credits)

MGD 6116 : Gender and Development: policy and practice (20 credits)

MGD 6117 : Gender and transitional justice (20 credits)

MGD 6118 : Dissertation (60 credits)


Why Gender Studies in Rwanda

Rwanda continues to be a model country in political commitment to gender equality and in promoting women’s empowerment in the Great Lakes region, Africa and around the world. Despite Rwanda’s gender sensitive legislation and high female parliamentary representation, there are still gaps between theory, policy and practice (implementation).Gender inequalities are still found in the socio-cultural, economic and political contexts, and affect Rwandan, regional and global development.

The Master’s Program in Social Sciences (Gender & development) is therefore meant to equip students with analytical and conceptual skills needed to understand and address gender issues in different development contexts. it will enable graduates to participate effectively in research, policymaking, and the development of Rwanda East Africa and beyond.


Possible careers for graduates


-Government ministries and departments

-Private sector organizations

-INGO & NGO management

-Policy analysis, design and evaluation

-Research and consultancies in national, regional and international organizations



PG students in class