Dr Celestin Hategekimana is an Expert in development studies with specialization on “gender and development”. His focus is on cooperatives from a gender perspective. The emphasis on cooperatives is put on business development and capacity building. His recent book entitled “Women’s empowerment in the post-1994 Rwanda. The case study of Mayaga region, Lambert Academic Publishing (Saarbrücken, Germany) also focuses on cooperatives.
Celestin holds a PhD in Development Studies from Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port-Elizabeth, South Africa. After the graduation of his PhD in April 2011 - Dr Celestin Hategekimana was hired by Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (under special contract) and also started working as consultant in different consultancy organizations in the field of cooperatives.
Since 2012 up to 2014, he has been teaching at the University of Kibungo, 2014 – 2016 was appointed as the Head of the Department of Agribusiness, from 2017 – 2018, was appointed as Head of the Department of Business Studies and Economics in the same university. Research interest : “cooperatives and development in Rwanda”.
In research & dissertations, Dr Celestin Hategekimana led 14 students at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (South Africa) to finish their Masters degree in Development studies, led 18 students to finish their Masters degree at the Independent University of Kigali (ULK), and 3 at University of Rwanda (UR). He also helped 65 undergraduate students in three universities : UNIK, UNILAK and ULK to finish their undergraduate degrees. All the theses were selectively focusing on cooperatives management and development, and community development generally” both in South Africa and Rwanda.
Last but not least, Dr Celestin Hategekimana worked with different institutions and organizations such as : Action by Churches Together (ACT RWANDA), BARAKABAHO FOUNDATION, ACIST RWANDA, PSDAG/SORWAFFA, PEAR and PEACE PLAN RWANFDA - just to mention a few. Now, he is a Senior lecturer at the University of Rwanda (UR), in the Center for Gender Studies, teaching “ gender and development” related subjects and a senior researcher in the same field at UR.
Centre for Gender Studies