Rev. Dr. Innocent Iyakaremye has a PhD degree in Gender and Religion from University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), South Africa. He has also Master’s degree and Bachelor degree with honours in Theology and Development from UKZN. He has a Bachelor degree (Licence) in School Psychology from National University of Rwanda (NUR) and a Bachelor degree (Licence) in Demography from Kigali Independent University (ULK). He followed a number of very important trainings, including training in PhD research supervision, Gender and Economic Policy Management Initiative, Research Methodology in Social Sciences, Research on Gender in Education, Clinical Pastoral Education (Christian Counselling), and other trainings related to human rights, reconciliation, and project management.
Iyakaremye is currently Acting Dean of the School of Governance and Senior Lecturer at Centre for Gender Studies, College of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Rwanda (UR). Prior to this position, he was Deputy Dean of the school of governance (UR), Monitoring and Evaluation Officer of Oral History research Project at Sinomlando Centre, UKZN, Researcher at National Commission for Human Rights, Rwanda, Monitoring and Evaluation Technical Advisor at International Rescue Committee, Rwanda, and Training and Research Officer at National University of Ireland (University College Cork)/Child Studies Unit.
In May 2016, Iyakaremye was appointed by Rwandan Cabinet as member of Consultative Committee of Gender Monitoring Office (GMO), Rwanda, where he is still serving. Since May 2013, he is the appointed Chair of Council of Kibogora Polytechnic, a private university in Western Province, Rwanda. He is member of Research and Postgraduate Studies Committee as well as Quality assurance committee of the College of Arts and Social Sciences, UR.
Iyakaremye has published four articles in peer reviewed journals and one book chapter, has co-authored two books and contributed to many government’s and other institutions’ policy and planning documents. He was recently reviewer of three scientific journals :
(1) Health Psychology Report, Gdansk University, Poland,
(2) Journal of Gender and Religion in Africa, UKZN, South Africa, and (3) INES Scientific Journal (ISJ), Rwanda.
He is external examiner of PhD and Master’s research of Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania. He is currently supervisor of two PhD research, two masters research, and one academic staff/researcher from University of Reading, United Kingdom, under the partnership with University of Rwanda. He presented research papers in many international conferences, the most recent being organised by International Journal of Arts and Sciences’ (IJAS) on 3-6 December, 2018 at Freiburg, Germany.